Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Today's Lunch: The "Hungry Menu"

Look at this! This is a picture of today's lunch. We get a meal like this about once a month. It's the ol' "Hungry Menu," as one of my colleagues likes to call it. And just think: I usually skip the rice. (Oh, and that stuff on the plate with the tiny fish, I gave that away since I don't like it.) At the end of just about every meal, the Japanese say, "gochisosama desh(i)ta," which means something like, "It was a feast." They say it whether or not the meal really was a feast, and they say it whether or not the food was really good. Not me. I prefer to be honest. I modify that saying to "gochisosama dewa arimasen desh(i)ta," meaning, "It wasn't a feast." Of course, I do that in fun. I understand the point of not giving us much food: We should appreciate everything we have, not just our food. Well, I certainly do, especially after a "meal" like today's lunch. But that doesn't make me any less hungry right now!

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